Refund & Exchanges

Free returns within 14 days, no matter where you are.

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not, we offer a hassle-free return process. Please read our policies carefully to understand the terms and conditions.

14-Day Return Period:
You have 14 days from the date of package delivery to initiate a refund request. After this period, unfortunately, we cannot accept or process refunds.

Product Eligibility:
Please ensure the products are returned to us in the same condition as when you received it. To be eligible for a refund, the products must be unworn and in its original condition, with attached labels and ring tags, and returned with original packaging such as microfibre dustbags.

Return Request & Process:
Please note that shipping costs associated with returns are at your own cost. To initiate a return request, take note of the following process:

  • Log in with the email you used in the original purchase. Find the order you would like to raise a refund request on, select the items for return and complete the short form.
  • Once your refund request is approved, you will receive an email from us. Simply follow the instructions provided and drop off the package with your carrier of choice.
  • For your security, we strongly recommend adding a tracking number so that you are protected in the event that the shipment is lost on its way to us.
  • Our pieces are delicate and can be damaged while in transit. To ensure that your refund process is as smooth as possible, please ensure that the products are placed back into their original microfibre dustbag, and securely cushioned. Please ensure that the return box or envelope is also securely fashioned.

Issues with raising a refund request online? Send us an email at with your order ID. Our customer support team will guide you through the refund process.

Refund Method:
Refunds will be issued in the form of cash vouchers only. Please note that any separate shipping or tax costs you have paid in the original purchase are non-refundable.

You will receive the cash vouchers via email 7-10 days after we have received your returned items. Cash vouchers can be used for future purchases on

Unfortunately, we do not offer direct product exchanges. However, rest assured that you can place a new order using refunded cash vouchers.

Simply initiate the refund process, send your products back, receive your cash vouchers, and place a new order.

Click on the "Refunds" tab for more detailed instructions.

If you receive damaged, faulty, or incorrect items, within 14 days of receiving the package, please take a picture of the products and send it to us at, citing your order ID. We will promptly assist you in resolving the matter and arrange for an appropriateĀ solution.